Le Petit Mas - Prix Moisson d'or 2022

2022 Prix moisson d'or winner

The prix Moisson d'or is presented at the annual banquet of the Association des producteurs maraîchers du Québec to honor a company or farmer(s) who have distinguished themselves through their involvement in the agricultural community and who have contributed to the growth of the sector; through innovative marketing achievements; through recognized business integrity towards customers and peers; and through a recognized ability to adapt to the rapid changes in the horticultural sector. Marie-Pierre and Sébastien were honored to receive this award!

Sébastien Tournez-vous vers l'excellence FADQ 2020


This competition is aimed at young agricultural entrepreneurs who stand out for their professional skills and managerial qualities, resulting in an excellent profile. By organizing this competition, La Financière agricole du Québec, in collaboration with the CRAAQ, demonstrates the importance it places on training and on a set of qualities and talents that pave the way for the practice of the agricultural profession.  To watch Sébastien Grandmont' s video.

Gala Saturne Finaliste Regionale Estrie Marie-Pierre Dubeau - Le Petit Mas

2018 Gala saturne finalist

Marie-Pierre Dubeau, co-owner of Le Petit Mas, was a finalist at the 2018 Gala Saturne. The Gala recognizes the outstanding contributions of women in agriculture.


Prix relève mapaq 2017 - Le Petit Mas


Ce prix fait honneur à un jeune ou à un groupe de jeunes entrepreneurs agricoles qui ont particulièrement bien réussi leur établissement et qui se sont distingués par leur esprit d'innovation, leurs compétences et leur engagement dans la communauté.

Communiqué de presse du MAPAQ
Jeunes agriculteurs d'élite du Canada, section Québec, 2017 Le Petit Mas

2017 canada's outstanding young farmers program, quebec finalists

The goal of the competition is to recognize the success of farmers in each region for their outstanding performance. These agricultural producers (under the age of 40) have been able to ensure a healthy start, progressive development and an enviable cruising speed for their businesses through their management. Their businesses are built on a solid foundation, provide a satisfactory income and their financial situation ensures good stability.

Best condiment award (fermented garlic flowers) - les prix foodies-qc, 2015

This contest recognizes the best gourmet products in the province.

Prix reconnaissance jeunesse, 2014-2015 

Awarded by the SADC de Coaticook in recognition of the company's development prospects and the originality of its product marketing.

Prix agroalimentaire, Gala Excel, MRC de Coaticook, 2006

Prix du produit du terroir - salon de la gastronomie (Concours choix du consommateur), 2000